整IT系統來滿足未來的需求。"FICO公司首席資訊官 Christopher Rence說。 "將VMware vSphere作
為我們雲計算計劃的基礎,使我們能為世界頂級的金融服務機構提供統一的平台, 幫助他們在客戶
生命週期的所有階段都能高效、自信地決策。" 英文說明:
VMware vSphere is the industry抯 first cloud operating system,
transforming IT infrastructures into a private cloud梐 collection of
internal clouds federated on-demand to external clouds梔elivering IT
infrastructure as an easily accessible service. Enable the next
generation of flexible, reliable IT services with the efficiency and
low cost of cloud computing梖eaturing uncompromising control over
service levels. 相關商品:
VMware vSphere v5.5 and vCenter Server v5.5 英文/簡體中文版(虛擬化平台軟體)(1CD+1DVD)
VMware vSphere v5 REPACK 英文正式版(虛擬化平台軟體)
VMware vSphere 5 Enterprise Plus 英文正式版(2CD)
Elias Khnaser VMWare vSphere 4 Training Course DVD 英文正式版(DVD版)(雲計算作業系統教程軟體)